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New Baseplate
1. Prior to starting installation, make sure therewill be adequate space for installation,operation, and maintenance of the vertical turbine pump anddriver.
Typical vertical turbine pump foundations consist of a steelplate mounted in grout or bolted to a structureThis plate is often referred to as a "foundationplate", “sole plate",“sub-base", or “base plate"In this manual, we will refer to the plate as"base plate".
The foundation must be able to withstand theweight of the vertical turbine pump plus the weight of the liquidflowing through it. lt must also be able toabsorb vibration and provide a rigid support forthe entire pump assembly and driver.
A typical base plate installation is shown inFigure 5 below, A pipe sleeve is embedded intothe concrete foundation with a bolt passingthrough, The bolt secures the base plate to thegrout, shims/leveling wedges, and foundation.The sleeve allows for some movement of thebolt and aids in alignment with the base plateholes, The pipe sleeve diameter is typically 2.5times the bolt diameter.
2. Make sure the pipe sleeves are free from waterand then carefully lower the base plate onto thefoundation, making sure to line up all thefoundation bolts with the bolt holes in the baseplate. Install the nuts and washers on each boltand hand tighten.
3.Level the base plate. Use leveling wedges,shims, nuts, or jackscrews to level the baseplate. lf using shims, make sure all anchor boltshave a shim installed nearby in order to preventbinding the base plate. lf the baseplate twistsand binds, it will likely be impossible to level.
4. Ensure the plate is clean and free of dust andcontaminants. Use a machinist level in twodirections at 90 degrees to check level. Leveltolerance is 0.005in per foot.
Once leveled, tighten all anchor bolts. Aftertightening, re-check the base plate for level. lftightening the anchor bolts has moved the baseplate level out of tolerance, loosen the bolts,adjust the leveling devices until the base platelevel is within tolerance, and re-tighten theanchor bolts, Repeat until the anchor bolts aretightened and the base plate level is withintolerance.
6. Build a dam around the foundation inpreparation for grouting. Pour grout into thespace between the base plate and foundationuntil the space is filled and level with the top ofthe dam. Make sure no air bubbles remaintrapped in the grout and allow to cure. Aftercuring, make sure no voids have formed andremove any leveling wedges, shims, nuts orjackscrews.
Existing Baseplate
If using an existing baseplate, use the discharge flangeof the vertical turbine pump to check level. First, install the vertical turbine pump onthe existing baseplate using the appropriate directionsin the vertical turbine pump Installation section of this manual. Then use a machinist level in two directions at 90 degrees onthe discharge flange to check level. if level is out oftolerance, add or remove shims between the dischargehead and the baseplate.
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